Do We Really Need Friends? Part 1

Do We Really Need Friends? Part 1

Sarah N. I don’t need friends. I have never been a super social, outgoing person. I like being at home, doing solitary hobbies, and going to bed early. I’m also really independent…and really busy. I don’t need friends. Right? I mean, it’s always nice to see a...


About 40% of Americans suffer from incurable chronic illness. In October of last year, I joined that unlucky club. Chronic illness is something we’ve all heard about and judging from the above statistic, I bet someone you know and love falls into that category...
Living with Intention

Living with Intention

Something I’ve learned over the past few years is the importance of living with intention; being intentional with my time, being intentional in the things I put my energy into and being intentional with my family and friends. But what does it mean to live with...
Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex By: Heather Sex…say it with me…sex. Good job! Saying the word is half the battle. Admitting sex is a thing is the first step. Sex is a tough topic for some parents. Think back on how you learned about sex. Did you learn it from parents, friends,...
to Brow or not to Brow

to Brow or not to Brow

Should you be filling your brows? Let’s talk about eyebrows.  Gosh, I feel like there is extraordinarily little else that frames a face.  A well-intentioned brow will make your eyes stand out, will add expression to your face, and make you look more...