Aging with Positivity

Aging with Positivity

Aging with Positivity By: Heather Land This week I celebrated my 40th birthday. Happy Birthday to me!! I still remember as a child thinking that 40 was extremely old and that people who are 40 are on the downhill slide and basically their lives are over. Haha. As I...
Peanut Butter Play Dough

Peanut Butter Play Dough

By, Sarah N. Christmas break begins tomorrow for my family. This means that my kids will be home for 2 weeks and I know I will hear the inevitable chorus of ā€œIā€™m bored!ā€ My kids are 3 and 7, and they both still enjoy play dough. So I made peanut butter play dough from...
Managing Holiday Stress

Managing Holiday Stress

Managing Stress around the holidays By: Heather Holiday times cause stress for many people for lots of different reasons. People often over extend themselves and pack their schedules to the point of exhaustion leaving them drowning in holiday parties, cooking and...
Traditions To Make Your Thanksgiving Special

Traditions To Make Your Thanksgiving Special

Traditions To Make Your Thanksgiving Special By, Sarah N. My squad members and I were recently talking about Thanksgiving and most of us expressed feelings of frustration and irritation surrounding the holiday. We realized that for some, Thanksgiving has become merely...
How to help your child with medical experiences

How to help your child with medical experiences

How to help your child with medical experiences As a certified child life specialist, I have found the following beneficial in helping your child with medical experiences. This could be a routine doctor’s visit, an outpatient procedure, a trip to the...