How to Make Friends

How to Make Friends

Sarah N. has talked in this post about our need for friends, and the biological way that our bodies long for them.  I think this is evidence that our creator built and bent us for deep relationship.  The kind of relationship that requires trust and honesty.  I could...
Female Sexual Disfuction

Female Sexual Disfuction

I thought about writing a cutesy title for this post, but let’s get real. Female sexual disfunction is a serious, wide-spread problem and it’s time we start talking about it. I was going to add a disclaimer to skip this post if it makes you uncomfortable...
When Love Isn’t Enough

When Love Isn’t Enough

By, Sarah N. “A friend loves at all times”. This embroidered pillow worthy sentiment is a beautiful one. It is found in Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the Bible...
How To Plan A Girl’s Trip

How To Plan A Girl’s Trip

How to plan a girl’s trip By: Heather The Scissortail Squad loves traveling together. If we were rich, we would make it a monthly thing. At this point, we try to have 1-2 trips a year together. We have traveled to: Oklahoma City, OklahomaTulsa, OklahomaBranson,...
Proof of Life

Proof of Life

Proof of Life I had a friend tell me the other day that she is experiencing pandemic fatigue and I don’t know if I have ever related to something so much in my life.  I thought that is exactly how to describe my feelings lately.  I imagine you can all insert...