Squad Blog

We’re here to share our adventures, advice, and experiences with you! We hope this blog shows you who we really are- “really real” people having a really good time doing life together.


Let’s talk about water friends. It is THE most importance thing that your body needs to function properly. If you’re like me, you are guilty of starting your morning with a large amount of coffee then you get busy and it’s 3:00 and your Stanley is still half full! Not good. I try and make drinking water a priority every day. Am I always successful? No, however if you have a busy day and don’t get your water in, don’t give up! Tomorrow is a new day.

Why is water so important? Let’s start with what happens to the body when you’re dehydrated. What are some common symptoms of mild dehydration?

  • Thirst
  • Dry eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Dry, cool skin
  • Headache
  • Muscle cramps
  • Lack of energy
  • Irritability
  • Constipation

Yikes! Anyone deal with lack of energy and headaches on a regular basis? Water might be a great place to start in relieving those symptoms. Now, let’s look at the benefits of being hydrated.

  • Increased energy
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improves digestion
  • Flushes toxins from the body
  • Helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues

That’s just the beginning! Your body needs water to survive and thrive, So why is it so easy to forget to drink it? Well, we are inundated all the time with tasty alternatives, many of which are advertised as healthy but friends, there’s nothing like the real thing. Just because a beverage is 0 calories does not mean it’s properly hydrating the body. Does that mean you need to cut out your favorite beverages entirely? No! You better believe I’m not letting go of my daily coffee! It’s all about balance.

How much water do you really need to drink? Half your body weight in ounces. Once you’ve calculated that, it’s super easy to set a daily water goal! I’ve fully jumped on the Stanley bandwagon and mine is 40 ounces. So, I calculate how much water I need and then divide it by 40 ounces and that lets me know how many times I should strive to fill my cup every day. There are also awesome products like this to help you stay motivated throughout the day. I’m also a big fan of hydrojug . These are great if you want to fill a bottle once and then sip on it all day long. Plus, the sleeves are super cute and practical!

I sometimes hear: “I just don’t like the taste so I don’t drink it.” There are some great healthy options to keep you hydrated without filling the body with added sugar and chemicals. I love infused water. Especially during the summer. I’ll put a big pitcher of it in the fridge at night and then have a tasty and hydrating beverage the next day. My kids love it too! These recipes are super simple! Don’t have time to chop fruit? I used to be a big fan of these, unfortunately I can no longer have lemon due to medical issues, but it’s still a great option for those of you that can.

I hope this encourages you to prioritize water! You’re body needs it! Remember, you are worthy of health! Don’t let the business of kids, spouses, work, etc take over.