Squad Blog

We’re here to share our adventures, advice, and experiences with you! We hope this blog shows you who we really are- “really real” people having a really good time doing life together.


Managing Stress around the holidays

By: Heather

Holiday times cause stress for many people for lots of different reasons. People often over extend themselves and pack their schedules to the point of exhaustion leaving them drowning in holiday parties, cooking and shopping with no downtime to enjoy the season and focus on the things that are important. Below are some tips that if followed, can lead to a less stressful and a more balanced holiday season.

Protect your time

We all get the same amount of time each day. It is important to plan your time in a way that will decrease stress and allow for balance. Overloading your calendar with activities and gatherings can lead to increased stress and feelings of unsatisfaction. If someone in your life is trying to steal your time and you do not wish to make them a priority, THEN DON’T. Around the Holidays I am often guilty of allowing people who are not important or that I don’t even like, to steal my time. Set the boundary and let them know that you are trying to keep your calendar from getting overwhelming so you can have a peaceful holiday season.

Learn that “No.” is a full sentence

The word “No” is a full sentence. Let’s practice together. No. No. No. No. Practice makes permanent! So, practice saying No. It’s NOT wrong to tell other people “no”. It is important to know your limits and to guard your time. You do not have to explain anything to people when you say no, they just have to learn to accept your no. Try it this week. Say no to something you do not want to do and don’t explain why. Just say no. Boundary setting can be intimidating but it can also be empowering.  

Prioritize Social Gatherings

Only attend the social gatherings that you want to attend. If your calendar does not align perfectly with everyone around you, do NOT feel guilty. Learn to say, “We can try again next year.” Then move on. There are so many fun things to do around the holidays. If we aren’t careful, we will attend 5 Christmas parties and 8 family gatherings. At the end, we are left exhausted and hating the season. It’s ok to say, “I have reached my commitment level at this time and I will not be adding anything new to my calendar. “ Don’t apologize for it, just set the boundary and move on.

Stay Present and Mindful

Once you have prioritized the social gatherings and you find yourself only doing the things you really want to do, the hard work is over. Now you get to sit back and enjoy! Since you won’t be as overwhelmed with the number of obligations on your calendar you can now enjoy each event with ease and being fully present. Take time to sit back and enjoying conversations with other people. Soak up the music, food and beauty of this time of year. Let your mind relax and be present in each moment you experience through the holidays. You will look back on the memories you made and be grateful for the slowness of the season.

Schedule Down Time

I cannot stress this one enough! No matter how much you do the things above you will still be busier during this time of year than any other time. Therefore, it is important to make sure you calendar also includes downtime. Downtime is time to yourself to just stay home and watch a movie or lay in bed. Time to do a puzzle or cook something you love. Don’t overschedule yourself so much that once the holidays are over you are more stressed than when they started. Take some time for yourself to enjoy the things you like the most about this time of year.

The picture makes me feel peaceful!! Your peace awaits you at the end of your boundary setting!